La ausencia del funcionalismo español y de la figura de Emilio Alarcos en los diccionarios de lingüística y manuales universitarios

  • Cristina García González Universidad de León
Keywords: functionalism, functional linguistics, functional grammar, linguistic dictionaries, linguistic university manuals, linguistic terminology


The purpose of this article is to analyse the presence of Spanish Functionalism as a linguistic trend in two corpuses composed of the most prestigious linguistic dictionaries (Spanish and non Spanish) and linguistic university manuals (only from a Spanish tradition). Due to the scientific importance of this linguistic trend, unquestionable nowadays, we observe a generalised silence in our corpus, in which the few mentions of this trend are an exception.

How to Cite
García González, C. (2015). La ausencia del funcionalismo español y de la figura de Emilio Alarcos en los diccionarios de lingüística y manuales universitarios. Estudios De Lingüística Del Español, 36, pp. 359–382.