Política lingüística y dictadura militar en Uruguay (1973-1985): los informes institucionales sobre la situación lingüística fronteriza

  • Graciela Barrios Universidad de la República
Keywords: language policy, dictatorship, Portuguese, nationalism, purism, language academy


In this article I discuss language policies in Uruguay regarding bilingualism in the Brazilian-Uruguayan border during the period of military dictatorship (1973-1985). In particular, I study linguistic reports produced by the Ministerio de Educación y Cultura (1980) and the Academia Nacional de Letras (1982) on this subject. The research contains a historical and sociolinguistic review, a discussion on purism and nationalism and an analysis of these reports as language planning tools, as well as propaganda media to legitimate authority. The institutional reports defended Spanish as a symbol of national identity and monolingual education as a tool to achieve their goals. The differences between these reports and linguistic research of the period are also discussed.

How to Cite
Barrios, G. (2015). Política lingüística y dictadura militar en Uruguay (1973-1985): los informes institucionales sobre la situación lingüística fronteriza. Estudios De Lingüística Del Español, 36, pp. 527–557. https://doi.org/10.36950/elies.2015.36.8700