Monographic Volumes
To request the publication of a monographic volume, it is necessary to send a draft of the volume to be published in the journal to the editors of ELiEs. The project will be evaluated by the editors and by two members of the Scientific Committee or by specialists chosen by these members. As part of this process, the journal will check and approve the credentials of the guest editors.
Proposals should include the following information:
- Title
- General content of the volume (3 to 4 pages) including: the thematic proposal (theory, methodology, type of data); a brief literature review: justification and relevance of the proposal; and the contribution it makes to the area of study in question.
- Index of articles and authors
- Brief CVs of guest editors
- Bibliography
Editors will be free to choose the number of contributions that make up the issue, with the condition that no more than 25% of the articles include guest editors as authors.
If the volume proposal is accepted by the scientific committee, the editors commit to follow ELiEs editorial guidelines, as well as blind peer review. During this process, the management team and/or members of the editorial committee are responsible for the supervision of the guest editors.
Special issues
As far as the publication of special issues is concerned,
- the editorial management is responsible for the content of the entire journal, including all special issues, which must pertain to the scientific area of the journal.
- special issue articles must have the same editorial oversight as regular articles, including external peer review, and be clearly labeled as such.
- articles submitted to a special issue by guest editors must undergo an independent review process.
Submission of articles
Thematic volumes are published in Spring and Autumn. A maximum of two volumes are published per year. For the spring volume, all articles making up the volume (including the introduction) must be submitted by 30 April at the latest, for the autumn volume, by 30 September at the latest.
ELiEs reserves the right not to publish volumes that do not conform to these guidelines.