Von Duden bis Deepl: zur Verwendung lexikografischer Ressourcen im Südtiroler Sprachunterricht (L1, L2, L3) im Spannungs-feld normativer Vorgaben und schulischer Praxis


  • Andrea Abel




The paper deals with the role of lexicographic resources in the South Tyrolean (i. e. the Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen, Italy) educational context against the backdrop of legal provisions (Das neue Autonomiestatut 2019/1972) and the relevance of language education on the part of educational institutions (Rahmenrichtlinien DE, Rahmenrichtlinien IT), taking into account both normative requirements and their application in practice. The focus is on two questions that have been little researched so far, not only in the specific context but also internationally (cf. Abel 2022; Nied Curcio 2022): To what extent are lexicographic resources represented in the school framework guidelines? How are they actually used in schools? For the case study presented here, the South Tyrolean framework guidelines provided by the German and the Italian school boards at all levels of education for German and Italian as first (L1) and second (L2) languages, as well as for English as a foreign language (L3) were examined by means of a document analysis. In a second step, a questionnaire survey with language teachers at all school levels (German and Italian as L1/L2, English as L3; number of survey respondents: 644) determined the actual use of lexicographic resources.


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Abel , A. (2024). Von Duden bis Deepl: zur Verwendung lexikografischer Ressourcen im Südtiroler Sprachunterricht (L1, L2, L3) im Spannungs-feld normativer Vorgaben und schulischer Praxis. Linguistik Online, 126(2), 17-36. https://doi.org/10.13092/lo.126.11041