Schrift als Komponente der Bildschirmfläche am Beispiel der deutschen Nachrichtensendungen

  • Anna Kapuścińska


The article focusses the written components of the screen surface in television news programs. The semiotic perspective represented in this article legitimises the viewpoint that they are not (ordinary) language signs. The main concern of this article is the status of the written text (as a semiotic medium) in the construction patterns of the news programs. It is argued that the written texts appear in the news programs increasingly as graphical elements, so that their visual presence becomes primary to their language meaning. This tendency is discussed in the article on the example of three news programs in the German television between 1996 and 2016.

Kapuścińska, A. (2020). Schrift als Komponente der Bildschirmfläche am Beispiel der deutschen Nachrichtensendungen. Linguistik Online, 102(2), 35–45.