„Da is noch lang nicht Schicht im Schacht“.

Online-Erhebung von regionalen Phraseologismen im Rheinland und im Ruhrgebiet


  • Charlotte Rein
  • Sarah Puckert




Research on regiolects commonly concentrates on phenomena of traditional dialectology. In his talk at the 6th IGDD congress in September 2018 Michael Elmentaler whatsoever plead to rather focus on characteristics of regiolects by themselves. As a scientific approach he mentioned regional phraseology.

The following research project now focuses on the regional distribution of phrasemes and tries to find out whether participants are aware of these and which influence age has. Therefore 26 phrasemes, based on the Rheinisches Mitmachwörterbuch, an interactive online tool of the LVR-Institut für Landeskunde und Regionalgeschichte (ILR), that are not codified or coded „landschaftlich rheinisch/westmitteldeutsch“ in relevant lexicons are presented to participants. They then rated whether they knew and used these phrasemes or whether they were unknown to them. Moreover, participants were able to fill in variants of the idioms in question. First results from the study concerning awareness and age will be presented in this paper.


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Rein, C., & Puckert, S. (2024). „Da is noch lang nicht Schicht im Schacht“. : Online-Erhebung von regionalen Phraseologismen im Rheinland und im Ruhrgebiet. Linguistik Online, 128(04), 135-154. https://doi.org/10.13092/lo.124.10634