Die heile Welt in der Werbung – Stereotype als Bestandteil von Werbestil
Advertising is an area that has to rely heavily on reduced and simplified message content due to its often very short perception time or its high reception speed (cf. Kroeber-Riel et al. 2009). Therefore, advertising is a fertile field for investigating stereotypes whose reduced form of presentation serves a quicker orientation in an increasingly complex media society with stimulus overload (cf. Müller/Gelbrich 2014a). In this article, the principle of the “unspoiled world”, “Die heile Welt”, in advertising (cf. Thomsen 1998; Schoenen 2008; Siegert/Brecheis 2010) as a stereotype is identified and discussed. This particular advertising style has previously only been mentioned sporadically in literature. Therefore, in this article different case studies from German advertising and their scholarly thematisation (cf. e. g. Moritz 1997; Bohnsack 2003) are discussed from different perspectives. The specific stereotype advertising phenomenon of “heile Welt” is used to support, develop and differentiate different conceptualisations of advertising style.Downloads
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Nielsen, M. (2016). Die heile Welt in der Werbung – Stereotype als Bestandteil von Werbestil. Linguistik Online, 79(5). https://doi.org/10.13092/lo.79.3345