Referenzielle Kohärenz: Diskrepanz zwischen Theorie und Vermittlung.

Eine kritische Analyse von Deutschlehrwerken der Sekundarstufe I


  • Maria Averintseva-Klisch Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
  • Doreen Bryant Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
  • Corinna Peschel Bergische Universität Wuppertal



Secondary school graduates are expected to write coherent texts for their respective occupations and other purposes later in life. Schooling should therefore prepare them adequately for this. It is thus paradoxical that textbooks for German provide pupils with very few explicit didactic instructions on how to write coherent texts. This applies in particular to referential coherence.

Our article aims to contribute to the appropriate teaching of referential coherence in its complexity. To this end, first, the functions and the actual forms of referential means are examined in detail, from which the requirements for classroom instruction are derived. Next, textbook excerpts are examined to see whether and to what extent they meet these requirements.

Our analysis shows that the way coherence is dealt with in textbooks is far from matching either linguistic or didactic demands. Very little attention is paid to form-function relationships. In some cases, tasks are even designed in such a manner that they lead pupils in the wrong direction and are thus counterproductive for the development of suitable writing or text skills.


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Averintseva-Klisch, M., Bryant, D., & Peschel, C. (2019). Referenzielle Kohärenz: Diskrepanz zwischen Theorie und Vermittlung.: Eine kritische Analyse von Deutschlehrwerken der Sekundarstufe I. Linguistik Online, 100(7), 19-64.