„Königreich des Hochdeutschen“ – Die Tradierung des Hochdeutsch-Mythos in Hannover
There is a myth that says that the best standard German nationwide is spoken in Hanover. This article deals with the transmission of this myth in public discourse within the city of Hanover itself. The textual testimonies found (for example, on homepages, in literary works, or in advertising) were categorized according to different groups of people as well as economic and governmental institutions, and grouped into narrative patterns. This captured the knowledge and attitudes regarding the topos and revealed dominant thinking patterns. The results show that the myth is strongly anchored in the Hanoverian public in a variety of ways: sometimes it is propagated as fact, at other times it is toned down as hearsay; some perceive it as a trademark of Hanover, others view it critically against the background of the former city dialect (“Hannöversch”).