Wie kommen wir an die Bilder in unseren Köpfen? Zur Methodologie einer interkulturell anwendbaren Stereotypenerhebung


  • Stefan Ossenberg
  • Rupprecht S. Baur




SI.DE is an international research project at the University of Duisburg-Essen, which examines German, Russian, Turkish and Chinese auto- and heterostereotypes. Questioning for the study is made online and consists of two surveys; one survey based on stereotypes and a second based on the perception of each other’s foreign language. The questionnaire on stereotypes contains 140 attributes in total, while the respondents can select all of them without any limitation. The choice of these attributes is based on previous investigations, where methodologically formative surveys within the field of stereotype research had been compared with each other. Therefore, it is of high importance to take account of the transferability of the attributes to other languages, without any loss of crop-specific connotations. After the first phase of the study, the items on the attribute list have proved valuable. The construction of the questionnaire and the selected items are described in the following. Moreover, the perception in each other’s language is being researched on the basis of polarity profiles.


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How to Cite

Ossenberg, S., & Baur, R. S. (2016). Wie kommen wir an die Bilder in unseren Köpfen? Zur Methodologie einer interkulturell anwendbaren Stereotypenerhebung. Linguistik Online, 79(5). https://doi.org/10.13092/lo.79.3331