Dänisch oder Deutsch? Die Ergebnisse einer Fragebogenaktion unter norddeutschen und dänischen Manager_innen zum Sprachgebrauch und -bedarf ihrer Unternehmen


  • Sonja Vandermeeren




The present article first defines the terms language choice, the need for foreign language competence and the need for knowledge about foreign cultures. Then, attention is focused on empirical material, which is discussed against the background of these terms. In order to gather the data dealt with in this article, German and Danish (hotel) managers were presented a questionnaire. Taking the case of German companies/hotels which are in regular contact with Danes, the questionnaire investigates their need for Danish and whether knowledge about Danish culture is required of employees. The German managers were also asked about the frequency of German, Danish and English language use by their employees and about their own language behavior when communicating with speakers of Danish. Also data on Danish language knowledge and knowledge about Danish culture are collected. The present article compares the results of the survey in Germany with the results which were obtained in Denmark: Which need for German and for knowledge of German culture do Danish managers perceive?/How do they rate their own proficiency in German and that of their employees?/How often do they choose German, English and Danish in communication with Germans?


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How to Cite

Vandermeeren, S. (2016). Dänisch oder Deutsch? Die Ergebnisse einer Fragebogenaktion unter norddeutschen und dänischen Manager_innen zum Sprachgebrauch und -bedarf ihrer Unternehmen. Linguistik Online, 79(5). https://doi.org/10.13092/lo.79.3347