„Sie alle, Sie sind die Heldinnen und Helden in der Corona-Krise.“
Heldentum in Zeiten der Pandemie
In 2020, the topic “Corona” will be omnipresent in the media. The headlines are dominated by negative reports about death rates, exit restrictions and the economic downturn. However, there are also numerous encouraging reports about “Corona heroes” who are contributing to overcoming the crisis with their self-sacrificing commitment. But it is not only journalists who draw attention to their deeds. On Twitter, Instagram and Co., politicians, companies and private individuals also thank the “heroes of everyday Corona life”. These positive exceptional figures are examined in more detail in the article, with the focus on the communicative patterns of their staging. For a specific use of language does not simply depict reality unchanged, but always provides a perspective on reality. Thus, the investigation not only reveals insights into language, but also provides information about how our society deals with critical events. Because heroes – so the conviction – solve crises. They perform heroic deeds with which they alleviate the needs and worries of the people. At the same time, they show us what values and behaviour are necessary to cope with a delicate situation. Overall, the analyses show that “heroes” have been omnipresent since the beginning of the pandemic at the latest – and they are often portrayed in the style of superheroes. The fact that Germany is repeatedly described as “post-heroic” is difficult to understand against this background. Rather, we seem to live in a “superheroic society”.