Produire l’art et accéder à la ville en contexte autoritaire

Fermeture et adaptation des possibles artistiques dans le centre-ville du Caire post-révolutionnaire


  • Laura Monfleur PhD candidate, Tours University, CITERES joint research unit



art, secularization, authoritarianism, right to the city, Cairo


During the Egyptian revolution in 2011, artists used protest art in urban spaces, particularly in downtown Cairo. While art participated in creating publicized and politicized urban spaces, protest art has been threatened in downtown Cairo since 2013 with the reinforcement of authoritarianism and with an increased repressive control of urban spaces. The authoritarian regime seeks to impose its hegemony on physical and symbolical spaces undermining the artists’ right to the city and to produce and appropriate images and events. Maintaining art in downtown Cairo continues to go through adaptations between self-censorship, negotiation, and claims of a right to centrality.


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Author Biography

  • Laura Monfleur, PhD candidate, Tours University, CITERES joint research unit

    Laura Monfleur is a PhD candidate in geography at Tours University; she is associated with the Cities, Territories, Environment and Societies (CITERES) joint research unit (UMR). Her PhD dissertation focuses on the spatialities and temporalities of political power in central spaces in Cairo as well as in the new administrative capital. She has conducted fieldwork in Cairo since 2014. She became a member of a project financed by the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), “SpacePol — Space and Politics in the capital city” in 2022.




How to Cite

Monfleur, L. (2022). Produire l’art et accéder à la ville en contexte autoritaire: Fermeture et adaptation des possibles artistiques dans le centre-ville du Caire post-révolutionnaire. Manazir Journal, 4.