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Vol. 2 (2017)
Vol. 2 (2017)
Programme of the 2nd BAF, 28-29 June 2017
PDF (Anglais)
Guiding Questions for Panels
PDF (Anglais)
Panel 1: Defining spheres of influence
At the intersection of material finds and identity
Jeannette Boertien
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
A Review of Pottery Cultures in Central Anatolia during the Middle Iron Age, taking Yassıhöyük (Kırşehir) as a Case Study
Nurcan Küçükarslan
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
Panel 2: Recovering function, purpose and meaning
Towards a Definition of the Sumerian Sergida
Anna Glenn
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
Syro-Hittite iconography and food in practice
Nicole Herzog
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
Corpus Asher-Greve. Dealing with "Data form the Past"
Nicole Gäumann
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
Panel 3: Describing language and symbolism
Beauty beyond aesthetics: the abstract thought and the universal language of the natural world to the Sumerian/roman farmer’s eyes
Nelson Henrique da Silva Ferreira
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
Akkadian in context
Sara Manasterska
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
Panel 4: Assessing the landscape, reconstructing the cosmos.
The Nature of Geographical Knowledge in Hittite Anatolia in the 18th to 12th Centuries BCE in the Light of Cuneiform Sources
Adam Kryszeń
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
Mysterious Uškiani - Armenian Gold: The Driving Force for Development in the Bronze Age Caucasus Region?
René Kunze
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
Panel 5: Managing and using data across different fields of study and research
Visualizing the Provenance of Sumerian Literary Texts
Sebastian Borkowski
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
Detecting word endings in an unknown script
Michael Mäder
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
Women in Neo-Assyrian Palaces: The case of the ekal mašarti in Nimrud/Kalḫu
Eva Schmalenberger
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)
Panel 6: Qualifying continuity and change
Economic models in Ancient Near East economies
Grzegorz First
Video (Anglais)
Abstract (Anglais)