La conciencia filosófica de la lingüística


  • Xavier Laborda Gil Universitat de Barcelona



philosophy of language, history of linguistics, analytic philosophy, hermeneutics, pragmatism


This paper describes the relationship between Linguistics and Philosophy of language, and it interprets the choice made by axiomatic Linguistics of Analytic Philosophy of the ideal language, from a variety of options. The paper reviews the major contributions of the past fifty years of Philosophy of language. They are compilations edited by K.A. Fodor and J.J. Katz (The Structure of Language. Readings in the Philosophy of Language, 1964), J.R. Searle (The philosophy of language, 1971) and G. Grewendorf and G. Meggle (Linguistik und Philosophie, 1974). It also takes into account the works of M. Bunge (Linguistics and Philosophy, 1983), J. Ferrater Mora (Inquiries about language, 1970) and E. Lledó (Philosophy and Language, 1970). The opening – the election – of Linguistics to Analytic Philosophy of the ideal language has led to the rejection of disciplines such as Analytic Philosophy of ordinary language, Hermeneutics and Pragmatism. The Philosophy of ordinary language theorizes about speech acts, Hermeneutics deals with the historical consciousness and Pragmatism is the application of philosophy to social life. The thesis of this study is that Linguistics can grow with an inclusive Philosophy of language, open to multiple flows, to the historicity, to diversity of canon and to critical praxis.


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How to Cite

Laborda Gil, X. (2015). La conciencia filosófica de la lingüística. Estudios De Lingüística Del Español, 36, pp. 383-409.