Konzeptualisierung der Emotionen auf der Mikrotextebene (am Beispiel von Sprichwörtern mit der Komponente Zorn)
In this paper I would like to present the emotionality and emotions in German proverbs on the example of proverbs with the component anger. I am focused not on theoretical considerations about the proverb but on the analysis of the collected language material. The component anger is one of the highly productive proverbial components, it has been found in over four hundred units. It should be noted that most of the proverbs feature the negative effects of this emotion. The analysis of the material allowed for the extraction of nine main groups which show how anger is perceived and described in German proverbs. For example: anger blinds people, makes them lose self-control and brings about serious consequences. Although currently proverbs are often negatively labelled as simple wisdom of ordinary people, I think that they have not entirely lost their social and educational content.Downloads
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Gondek, A. (2015). Konzeptualisierung der Emotionen auf der Mikrotextebene (am Beispiel von Sprichwörtern mit der Komponente Zorn). Linguistik Online, 74(5). https://doi.org/10.13092/lo.74.2223