Spezifische Probleme beim Übersetzen von Phraseologismen am Beispiel des Kinderromans Emil und die Detektive von Erich Kästner
Specific problems of collocations translation illustrated on examples from children's novel Emil and the Detectives by Erich Kästner. The paper presents specific problems of translating collocations based on examples from children's novel Emil and the Detectives and its four Polish translated versions. These problems are due to the presence of collocations plentitude in everyday language and typical Kästner's modifications. Kästner's modifications within collocations include metaphorical comparisons and the typical accumulation of collocations within a few verses. Most often they are partly idiomatic and may cause difficulties for young readers with understanding. However, problematic matters are with zero e quivalency counterparts in the target text, which are conditioned by external factors such as culture, history and folk customs. These factors should also be taken into consideration when it comes to a translation.Downloads
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Ślawski, J. (2015). Spezifische Probleme beim Übersetzen von Phraseologismen am Beispiel des Kinderromans Emil und die Detektive von Erich Kästner. Linguistik Online, 74(5). https://doi.org/10.13092/lo.74.2230