Lingue e culture aumentate.
Storytelling migrante e tecnologie emergenti per una didattica plurilingue e interculturale
As an emerging technology, Augmented Reality (AR) demonstrated several advantages in education. However, the implementation of AR for plurilingual and intercultural education is still at an early stage and more studies are needed. Therefore, the research presented here aims to evaluate the impact of the implementation of AR on the development of adolescent students’ plurilingual and intercultural competence, as well as on their motivation. To achieve the aims described, several educational activities centered on authentic stories of migrants were developed through a Game-Based Learning approach and implemented. The stories were drawn from the DiMMi project, which collects autobiographical testimonies related to the themes of migration. Results showed how the integration of AR in plurilingual and intercultural education consists of an effective strategy to bring adolescent students closer to contemporary migration issues. Moreover, it enables the development of citizen and cultural awareness, as well as plurilingual and digital skills and competences. Furthermore, the study demonstrated the potential of AR to stimulate students’ interest in the topics covered by the activities implemented.