Zeit ist Geld – sprachliche Universalien in der deutschen und polnischen Phraseologie und Parömiologie am lexikographischen Material
The present article entitled "Time is Money – Linguistic Universals in the German and Polish Phraseology, as well as Paremiology on the Example of Lexographical Material" constitutes an analysis of phrasemes and proverbs in the German and Polish language, which contain in their vocabulary the components of time and money. The author of the paper presented the methods of conceptualisation, using the mono- and bilingual dictionaries, of time and money in the hackneyed linguistic phrases of both cultural communities. Undoubtedly, time and money are verbalised in the examined German and Polish phrasemes and proverbs in a similar or identical manner. Thus, these compounds function as internationalisms, as well as phraseological universals.Downloads
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How to Cite
Frąckowiak, M. (2015). Zeit ist Geld – sprachliche Universalien in der deutschen und polnischen Phraseologie und Parömiologie am lexikographischen Material. Linguistik Online, 74(5). https://doi.org/10.13092/lo.74.2222