Der Gebrauch des Perfekts – Ein Erklärungsmodell aus thailändischer Perspektive
In grammar and textbooks of German as a foreign language the German perfect tense (Perfekt) is mostly presented as an alternative to the preterite tense (Präteritum). However, the German perfect tense itself deserves greater attention due to its wide range of usages. This tense can mark events with reference points located either before, simultaneous with and even after the speech time. For Thai learners of German it has been established that difficulties in learning how to use the German perfect tense are not primarily concerned with problems of choosing between the perfect and the preterite but rather between the perfect tense and the present tense. This paper focuses on the aspect of "completeness", comparable to the perfective aspect, leading to different effects in the usage of the German perfect. Since German is mostly learned as a second foreign language after English, a contrastive analysis of similarities and differences between the perfect tenses in English and German have to be included in the analysis. In the conclusion, a possible description of the German perfect tense for learners of German as a foreign language is suggested.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 2011 Korakoch Attaviriyanupap

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How to Cite
Attaviriyanupap, K. (2011). Der Gebrauch des Perfekts – Ein Erklärungsmodell aus thailändischer Perspektive. Linguistik Online, 49(5).