Die Größe ‚Gewicht‘ im deutsch-italienischen Sprachvergleich


  • Gudrun Bukies




The topic of this article is ‘weight’ in the German-Italian language comparison. Which linguistic means are used to refer to weight in German (Gewicht) and what are the Italian equivalents? The material which has been collected is based on monolingual German and Italian dictionaries, reference works and text corpora as well as on bilingual German-Italian dictionaries and text excerpts.

The classification of the so-called weight designations including derivatives, composites and word combinations is carried out from an etymological and lexical perspective. In addition to the dictionary entries, German-Italian translation examples show further equivalents of terms and expressions with regards to ‘weight’ in this language pair.


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— Updated on 2021-12-11

How to Cite

Bukies, G. (2021). Die Größe ‚Gewicht‘ im deutsch-italienischen Sprachvergleich. Linguistik Online, 111(6), 105-136. https://doi.org/10.13092/lo.111.8242